Housing Category : Wall Types
Category-A : Buildings in
field-stone, rural structures, unburnt brick houses,clay houses.
Category-B : Ordinary brick building: buildings of the large
block &prefabricated type,half-timbered structures,building in natural
hewn stone.
Category-C :Reinforced building well built wooden
Category-X : Other materials not covered in A,B,C. These are
generally light.
Notes: 1. Flood prone area failure that protected area
which may have more severe damage under failure of protection works. In some
other areas the local damage, may be secure under heavy rains and chocked
2. Damage Risk for wall types is indicated
assuming heavy flat roof in categories A, B and C (Reinforced Concrete) buildings. 3. Source of Housing Data: Census of
Housing, GOI,2001
Housing Category : Roof Type Category-R1- Light Weight (Grass,
Thatch,Bamboo,Wood,Mud,Plastic,Polythene,GI Metal,Absbestos Sheets,Other
Material) Category-R2-Heavy
Weight(Tiles,Slate) Category-R3-Flat
Roof (Brick,Stone,Concrete)
EQ Zone V: Very High Damage Risk
Zone IV : High Damage Risk Zone[MSK VIII] EQ Zone III :
Moderate Damage Risk Zone[MSK<VII] EQ Zone II : Low Damage Risk
Zone [MSK<VI]
Level of Risk : VH=Very High ; H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; VL=Very Low